Caroline Wozniacki - Advantage Hers

My Advantage Hers Story – Caroline Wozniacki

Caroline Wozniacki, face of the Advantage Hers campaign, tells her story from being the number one world tennis champion, to facing a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis; and why she partnered with UCB to launch Advantage Hers for women with chronic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, across the globe.

I am so excited that the news is out; and I can finally talk about the Advantage Hers campaign. Our mission is to bring together as many women as possible living with chronic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, so that we can help each other build our own personal game plan to live our best lives.

I wanted to write this blog to tell you all a little bit more about my rheumatoid arthritis journey so far. I was diagnosed in 2018 (which was a total shock to me) and I’ve learned so much about it and other chronic inflammatory diseases, such as axial spondyloarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, since then.

After Wimbledon in the summer of 2018, I felt like I had been hit by a bad case of the flu. I even pulled out of playing matches because of it. My knuckles were sore, and I just felt lousy.

A real ‘hitting home’ moment was waking up in bed and telling my boyfriend (now husband) David that I couldn’t move. I physically couldn’t move. He had to help me out of bed and carry me to the car that day.  Even then, I don’t think my family understood just what I was going through.

After that, I went to see some doctors. I was told I was out of shape, may be pregnant, and depressed!  To be told as one of the highest ranked tennis players in the world, at the peak of my career, that I could be out of shape was astounding.

I was so upset, and angry that no one believed me when I knew my body better than anyone. After some hard moments like that though, I did finally, with the support of my wonderful husband, find an amazing rheumatologist who diagnosed me with rheumatoid arthritis.

After going public with my diagnosis, the best thing that could have happened was the online support with women like you who are going through something similar. I don’t know what I would have done without that support.  A lot of people in my world didn’t really understand what I was going through; so, to have women reach out and relate to it was so great.

It’s why I want to give back to you all and work with you on gaining advantage over your condition; one small victory at a time.

Over the next few months, you’re going to see more from me in the chronic inflammatory disease community. On my social channels, I’m going to be updating you all, but more importantly finding out from you how you gain advantage over your condition.

Now, I work every day to manage my disease. I know rheumatoid arthritis will continue to be with me for the rest of my life, so I have educated myself about rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases, such as axial spondyloarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, and have established a long-term, evolving game plan with my rheumatologist. Through the support of my specialist, husband, family and community, I have never been more excited about my future, including new roles and opportunities beyond tennis, and helping and learning from other women.

Follow my journey and share yours on my social channels, and visit for more information on chronic inflammatory diseases.