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UCB researchers target back pain

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Tina Bornemann, Global Clinical Science & Operations
Back pain can be severely debilitating. It can make it difficult to work, exercise and perform even the simplest daily tasks.

There can be many reasons for back pain but one condition that can cause serious discomfort is axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA), a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the spine and the joints connecting the lower spine and hips.

Symptoms include significant inflammatory low back and/or buttock pain that persists for more than three months. The pain and stiffness associated with axSpA can limit daytime activity but also disturbs sleep.

The disease affects roughly the same proportion of the population as rheumatoid arthritis but awareness of axSpA is low. As a result, it is believed to be underdiagnosed. While medicines can relieve the pain, swelling and other symptoms, axSpA has no cure.

At UCB, we see this unmet medical need as a challenge to be overcome. Our immunology researchers are dedicated to finding ways to address axSpA and relieve symptoms such as back pain.

UCB is currently running a clinical study in this area that tests one of UCB’s existing medicines in patients with axSpA. If you’d like to know more about this study and how to participate, you can visit this website.

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