UCB's Global Corporate Website

Encouraging tomorrow’s medicine discoverers

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Scott Fleming, UK Communications
UCB commits a lot of energy and resources to research and innovation because throughout our history we have learned to invest for the long term. But we also know that people are a key ingredient to our success and that promoting science education will pay off for society at large.

As part of our efforts to encourage young people to develop a passion for science, we opened up our labs in Slough, UK, to around 30 students so they could see science in action. We have 400 scientists at our Slough lab working on potential treatments for conditions such as osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

It was a great experience for all of us here at UCB and I think the students got a lot out of it too. They spent a week working alongside our research teams learning how medicines are made and about how we use computer models to help us find new treatments more efficiently.

As well as immersing themselves in our ‘biologics R&D hub’, students had a chance to chat with practising researchers about careers in science and the options open to young people when they have a scientific qualifications. And it doesn’t end there. Having welcomed the students into our lab, UCB scientists are gearing up to teach science classes at local schools.

It’s not always glamorous but drug discovery can be an incredibly rewarding job. Add to that the range of other opportunities for people with the knowledge and problem-solving skills taught on university courses and there’s a lot to recommend a career in science.

Our interest here is plain: we’d love more of our talented young students to consider drug discovery as a career for them. Judging by the bright young people we’ve had buzzing around our lab lately, the pipeline of future scientists looks pretty healthy.

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