UCB's Global Corporate Website

Facebook page opens new channel for inspiration

Posted by
Greg Cohen, Social Media & Influence
At UCB, we take pride in the fact that we are Inspired by Patients. Driven by Science. We use a range of channels to connect with patients, healthcare professionals, jobseekers, investors and other stakeholders with an interest in UCB.

We take inspiration from the patients we meet through our research and disease awareness efforts, and from the stories and ideas that healthcare professionals share with us every day.

Inspiration can be found online too. Our social media channels are an excellent way to engage with the public, to hear how severe diseases affect people's lives, and to learn how we can meet their needs.

Social media allows two-way communication with researchers, doctors and others who can help us to rise to the challenge that patient communities set for us.

That is why we have opened a new Facebook page; a place where we can share experiences and hear from the public, as well as a platform for showing what we are doing to provide answers by applying the latest scientific knowledge.

Of course, it is not the only social media network where we are active! We have an active corporate presence on Twitter, a recruiting channel on LinkedIn, and a YouTube channel where we host videos about the diseases with which we work and the amazing research our teams lead here at UCB.

If you are on any of these networks, follow us to learn more about what inspires us and drives us forward. And keep checking in with UCB.com for regular updates in the UCB Stories section.

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